Monday, November 21, 2011

Young Writers Award

Heyooo i am 12 now yay, C; and the new theme for the young writers award is TALES OF THE YANGTZE RIVER and i have no idea what to write about. possibly a poem... hmmm... i'm in year 8 now. and got braces, then got them off, now have retainers and they are so TIGHT, gosh. They're green too hehe ;D catch ya later... C;

Saturday, September 25, 2010


hi... it is me, surprise, surprise. i haven't written in a while because i was too busy being awesome........ maybe not, but still, a girl can dream can't she? Anywho i was actually sailing. i came 5th in my latest regatta! booh yah! and...(pause for effect)........ i am finally in secondary! woooooh hooooo! i still have no ipod (sad face). i will be writing a lot from now on so please.............. BOOKMARK THIS PAGE OR MAKE IT YOUR FAVORITE!

Friday, March 12, 2010

a new start

okay i have started a new blog about my sailing experiences and here is the link: lease follow it. thnx!

a wake up call

it has been ages since the last entry. i am sorry. ever since that day i haven't been doing to well. (NO SCHOOL WISE!) here is what has been happening ever since.

after the letter i was a wreck. a serious wreck.but then i joined my other friends (c.c , c.c) we had tons of fun. then the biggest bully apolojized to me for being a meanie and i said sorry back.i started sailing and came 30th in a regatta out 38 boats (not that well.) over all that you'd think i have recovered well. but everytime i walk through the school doors and in my classroom the creepy left out feeling and edgy feeling returns. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E! well thats all thats been happening. stay tuned for more post later in the future.

Friday, November 20, 2009


i know that I've used this title twice but i feel as lost as ever. here is what happened:

my former best-friend sent me a note today.... it said:

Dear Marian,
i don't want to be your friend any more including your camp partner.

i was very hurt. i felt left-out,hurt and unloved. i trusted her with everything, but now.... i just don't know.
i realized that life is a giant jigsaw puzzle, some pieces fit and others require a hammer to force in. when you die you will never have a complete jigsaw puzzle... some parts in life will forever be a mystery.

the final question is dedicated to the one who sent me the note... my frenemy.

how would you feel? being dumped by your only friend, and then go frolicking of with another friend and act like nothing happened. all that hurt, sadness the feeling that your life has ended. i wonder how you can live with the guilt, the feeling like you committed a crime, the hatred of me and people who know. if i did that... in fact i would NEVER do that. i know i can be mean, but this is beyond mean.. IT'S CRUEL!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


when your friend is sick are you envious? jealous? anxious that you will catch the bug.
well seriously... don't. it is definitely an experience everyone would kill to miss, especially when you lose your lunch. yuck. i lost my breakfast twice this morning and i have to drink this thing with water, salt and lemon pulp. yuck x2.

so..... after what i have told you do you really still envy your friend. i wouldn't.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I'm sorry i haven't written much, i was a bit busy. And of course writers block picks now for a visit. i have literally nothing to write about.. my mind is BLANK. So i was wondering if you have any ideas, if you don't mind, could you comment on this post with your ideas. sorry for the trouble. Man, i hate writers block.